400 Best The Legend of Zelda ToTK Character Name Ideas

By Steanlee

400 Best The Legend of Zelda ToTK Character Name Ideas
The Legend of Zelda ToTK Character Name Ideas

In the world of gaming, few franchises have captured the hearts of players quite like “The Legend of Zelda.” With its rich lore, memorable characters, and epic adventures, this beloved series has stood the test of time. Since the launch of “The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom” on May 12, 2023, fans have immersed themselves in its captivating world.

Whether you’re an aspiring game developer or a fan seeking inspiration for character names, you’re in the right place. At Rithswave, our team has done a lot of research and compiled a list of 400 best the Legend of Zelda ToTK character Name Ideas

The Legend of Zelda ToTK Character Name Ideas

Link’s Companions The Legend of Zelda ToTK Character Name Ideas

  • Elyria
  • Thorne
  • Dorian
  • Aria
  • Nolin
  • Sylas
  • Elowen
  • Orion
  • Faelan
  • Seraphine
  • Talia
  • Alistair
  • Lirael
  • Branwen
  • Garrick
  • Evadne
  • Kaelan
  • Lyria
  • Callum
  • Elara
  • Finnian
  • Isolde
  • Rowan
  • Marcella
  • Caelum
  • Selene
  • Thandor
  • Amara
  • Eirik
  • Cerys
  • Alaric
  • Maelis
  • Imogen
  • Rhysand
  • Elira
  • Carver
  • Evadne
  • Nyssa
  • Declan
  • Lysandra
  • Ronan
  • Delphine
  • Torin
  • Maelis
  • Seraphina
  • Calista
  • Evander
  • Elaria
  • Faelan
  • Isabeau

Villainous Adversaries The Legend of Zelda ToTK Character Name Ideas

  • Lord Malice
  • Zephyr
  • Ravenna
  • Moros
  • Draegon
  • Vespera
  • Hexeron
  • Morgaroth
  • Lysandra
  • Darnex
  • Vaelor
  • Xaldris
  • Marzena
  • Umberto
  • Velkan
  • Ariceth
  • Nyxar
  • Valeria
  • Azrakon
  • Sylvaris
  • Vossryn
  • Malevolus
  • Seraphira
  • Drakonar
  • Xylena
  • Tyranor
  • Venara
  • Ignatius
  • Bellicor
  • Zeraphel
  • Mordakai
  • Azura
  • Ignisar
  • Valthor
  • Zarothar
  • Malissandra
  • Zarnak
  • Vesperith
  • Kaelith
  • Azrael
  • Nocturna
  • Grimclaw
  • Ebonar
  • Vaeloria
  • Scythe
  • Drakul
  • Velatrix
  • Abyssia
  • Zethrax
  • Netheron

Allies of Hyrule The Legend of Zelda ToTK Character Name Ideas

400 Best The Legend of Zelda ToTK Character Name Ideas 1
The Legend of Zelda ToTK Character Name

  • Captain Aeliana
  • Sir Tristan
  • Lyra
  • Commander Varian
  • Princess Elowyn
  • Thalorin
  • Lady Isolde
  • Sir Gareth
  • Marcella
  • Lady Seraphine
  • High Priestess Selene
  • Captain Orion
  • Lady Branwen
  • Knight Devlin
  • Lady Evangeline
  • Lord Alaric
  • Lady Elara
  • Duke Roderic
  • Lady Cerys
  • Baron Eirik
  • Lady Fiora
  • Sir Lachlan
  • Lady Imogen
  • Lord Rhysand
  • Lady Elira
  • Sir Emrys
  • Lady Calista
  • Baron Evander
  • Lady Elaria
  • Sir Thandor
  • Lady Faelan
  • Duke Ronan
  • Lady Delphine
  • Sir Torin
  • Lady Seraphina
  • Lord Theron
  • Lady Valeria
  • Knight Draegon
  • Lady Nyssa
  • Sir Malice
  • Lady Valiant
  • Lord Darnex
  • Lady Isabeau
  • Baron Xaldris
  • Lady Morwen
  • Sir Lucien
  • Lady Vespera
  • Count Vossryn
  • Lady Celestia
  • Knight Moros

Mysterious Beings The Legend of Zelda ToTK Character Name Ideas

  • Lumina
  • Umberto
  • Seraphina
  • Thalorith
  • Elyndra
  • Valandor
  • Celestia
  • Drakara
  • Xyleron
  • Elowyn
  • Mystara
  • Zephyros
  • Caelith
  • Ebonara
  • Kaelithar
  • Sylvaris
  • Nyxara
  • Ignatius
  • Vaeloria
  • Moros
  • Azrakon
  • Nocturna
  • Tyranor
  • Ariceth
  • Thandara
  • Marzena
  • Draegon
  • Vesperith
  • Velkan
  • Zethrax
  • Bellicor
  • Valthor
  • Zarnak
  • Malevolus
  • Ignisar
  • Azrael
  • Zeraphel
  • Valeria
  • Morgaroth
  • Velatrix
  • Abyssia
  • Vossryn
  • Netheron
  • Vaelor
  • Lysandra
  • Xaldris
  • Umbertus
  • Zephyria
  • Seraphira
  • Zorandor

Elemental Forces The Legend of Zelda ToTK Character Name Ideas

1. Fire Elemental Names:

  • Pyroth
  • Ignatius
  • Blazeon
  • Inferna
  • Scorchia
  • Emberix
  • Flareus
  • Incendra
  • Pyralis
  • Vulcanar
  • Flamestrix
  • Aethertorch
  • Ignisar
  • Incendros
  • Emberon
  • Flamelia
  • Volcanix
  • Pyrisa
  • Infernix
  • Brimstone
  • Magmaflare
  • Kindlefire
  • Scorchtide
  • Lavaforge
  • Ashenblaze
  • Igniscent
  • Pyrelynx
  • Emberforge
  • Infernalis
  • Firebrand
  • Blazefury
  • Pyroclasm
  • Infernalith
  • Scorcharia
  • Pyrodracon
  • Magmara
  • Ariaflame
  • Solarius
  • Igniscor
  • Firestorm
  • Volcanus
  • Lavamancer
  • Charflame
  • Emberheart
  • Infernosoul
  • Incendria
  • Scintilla
  • Pyrastra
  • Blazeblade
  • Pyrolith

2. Water Elemental Names:

  • Aquaria
  • Nereida
  • Maritide
  • Hydroxis
  • Lyraina
  • Abyssia
  • Aquatide
  • Undine
  • Corallia
  • Marindra
  • Hydralis
  • Oceania
  • Nauticus
  • Sirensea
  • Meridian
  • Thalassia
  • Cascadia
  • Aquaterra
  • Mariphae
  • Lyravox
  • Tidewind
  • Azurea
  • Oceanus
  • Aquatica
  • Marifrost
  • Delphine
  • Tritonia
  • Nautilus
  • Abyssalix
  • Oceandream
  • Marisol
  • Hydrofrost
  • Merinthia
  • Thalazura
  • Aquasurge
  • Seafall
  • Tydalith
  • Lyravale
  • Aquafyre
  • Marimyst
  • Nereios
  • Tidewalker
  • Coralynx
  • Marisurge
  • Aquarise
  • Naiadon
  • Seastone
  • Thalassian
  • Lyradance
  • Hydromancer

3. Earth Elemental Names:

  • Terra
  • Gaia
  • Sylvanar
  • Geoferix
  • Stonewall
  • Terranix
  • Gaiaroot
  • Petrox
  • Stoneheart
  • Rockyne
  • Vineshade
  • Quakor
  • Drystone
  • Terrabloom
  • Gaiasurge
  • Stonelock
  • Petragem
  • Earthena
  • Sylvanwood
  • Terraforge
  • Quakestone
  • Stonebark
  • Gaiavine
  • Rockyridge
  • Geowind
  • Terravale
  • Quakefury
  • Petrascend
  • Earthshaper
  • Vinedream
  • Sylvantide
  • Gaiagrove
  • Stonemarch
  • Petradora
  • Terrafall
  • Rockymoss
  • Geoheart
  • Gaiathorn
  • Stonelore
  • Terravox
  • Quakemire
  • Geodream
  • Gaiaterra
  • Stoneveil
  • Terraflow
  • Earthenix
  • Sylvanshade
  • Gaiacrest
  • Petravale
  • Stoneleaf

Elemental Forces The Legend of Zelda ToTK Character Name Ideas

4. Wind Elemental Names:

  • Aero
  • Zephyr
  • Galesong
  • Cyclona
  • Aerolite
  • Zephyria
  • Breezefall
  • Galewing
  • Aeris
  • Whirlwind
  • Zephyrosa
  • Cyclonix
  • Skydancer
  • Aeroflare
  • Zephyrus
  • Galestream
  • Airysong
  • Whirlsight
  • Aerovox
  • Windrider
  • Zephyrstone
  • Cyclonara
  • Aerialis
  • Zephyrbloom
  • Galeblade
  • Airborne
  • Whirlstorm
  • Aerodyn
  • Zephyrcall
  • Cyclonfire
  • Skybreaker
  • Aeronaut
  • Windstorm
  • Zephyrshade
  • Galewhisper
  • Airsurge
  • Whirlwing
  • Aerowind
  • Zephyrbreeze
  • Cyclonova
  • Skyweaver
  • Aerolyth
  • Windflame
  • Zephyrshard
  • Galecrest
  • Aertide
  • Whirlshadow
  • Aerospire
  • Zephyrgem
  • Cyclonstar

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Steanlee Thaosen is a writer-turned-editor at Rithswave, with over three years of experience in the field of content. She also specializes in business names, baby names and more. A graduate in Sociology from Assam University, she enjoys understanding people and their relationships. Steanlee’s extensive research skills and coverage of case studies provide the right guidance to parents in choosing baby names. Before joining Rithswave, she wrote content on travel websites as she is also a travel enthusiast and has traveled to over 20 places around the world. She is also a mother of two children. Besides, she enjoys reading thrillers and adventure novels, baking, and binge-watching TV shows

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