600 Best Hawaiian Baby Names for Your Little One

By Steanlee

600 Best Hawaiian Baby Names For Your Little One
Hawaiian Baby Names

Aloha, expecting parents! Naming your little bundle of joy is a momentous task, and if you’re seeking a name that’s as beautiful and unique as your child, look no further.

In this blog post, we have compiled a list of 600 enchanting Hawaiian baby names that exude the spirit of the islands. Hawaii is not only known for its breathtaking landscapes but also for its rich cultural heritage, and these names reflect the beauty, nature, and traditions of this paradise in the Pacific Ocean.

Hawaiian names carry a unique charm that resonates with people worldwide. They often embrace the splendor of nature, the strength of ancestors, and the beauty of the Hawaiian language. Let’s dive into these enchanting Hawaiian baby names that might be the perfect fit for your little one.

Hawaiian Baby Boy Names
Hawaiian Baby Boy Names

Best Hawaiian Baby Boys Names

List of 200 beautiful Hawaiian baby boy names along with their meanings:

1. AheGentle breeze
2. AilaniHigh chief
3. AkamaiSmart, intelligent
4. AkaoniObedient, righteous
5. Alaka’iLeader, guide
6. Ali’iChief, noble
7. AlohaLove, compassion
8. AukaiSeafarer, traveler
9. EleeleDark-skinned
10. EwaHawaiian mythological character
11. HahaiFollower
12. HakanoniHonorable
13. HanohanoGlorious, dignified
14. HauoliHappy, joyful
15. HeiauHawaiian temple
16. HokuStar
17. IkaikaStrong
18. IolanaSoaring like a hawk
19. KaelaniHeavenly sea
20. KaeloThe voice
21. KaipoSweetheart
22. KainaluOcean wave
23. KaimanaDiamond
24. KaimiSeeker of knowledge
25. KainoaThe namesake
26. KainuiBig sea
27. KaipoSweetheart
28. KalaniHeavenly
29. KaleoThe voice
30. KameaThe one and only
31. Kana’iGentle
32. KanielaGod is my judge
33. KanoaFree
34. KapenaCaptain
35. KeanuCool breeze
36. KeikiChild
37. KekoaBrave, courageous
38. KeoniGod is gracious
39. KeoniGod is gracious
40. Kia’iGuardian
41. KimoSupplanter
42. KoaWarrior
43. KohanaLittle flower
44. KoloheRascal, mischievous
45. Ku’oko’aIndependence
46. KuponoGood, virtuous
47. La’akeaLucky
48. LaniSky, heaven
49. LeimomiChild of heavenly lei
50. LeleiwiHeavenly cliffs
51. LikoBud, sprout
52. LonoGod of peace and prosperity
53. LuakiniTemple
54. MakaniWind
55. MalakaiMessenger of God
56. ManuBird
57. MikaWho is like God?
58. MoanaOcean
59. NainoaThe name
60. NaluWave
61. NapuaFlower
62. NuiGrand, big
63. OlianaOleander
64. OlukaiSeafaring
65. PonoGoodness, righteousness
66. PualaniHeavenly flower
67. PuhiFish, shark
68. PunawaiSpring, fountain
69. PunaheleFavorite
70. PupuleCrazy
71. Pu’uhonuaPlace of refuge
72. AukaiSeafarer, traveler
73. IolaniTo soar like an eagle
74. IolanaTo soar like a hawk
75. IokepaJoseph
76. EleuActive, lively
77. EnaFlame, blaze
78. IkaiaStrength of the sea
79. IliahiSandalwood
80. IlonaRoyal hawk
81. InokeEnthusiastic
82. IwalaniHeavenly seagull
83. IwiBones, ancestors
84. ‘IwaFrigatebird, albatross
85. OkalaniHeaven, heavenly
86. OkelaSwift
87. OkalaniHeavenly eyes
88. OlaLife
89. Olu’oluGentle, pleasant
90. OnaonaFragrant
91. OniJoyful
92. OnoDelicious
93. OpuaCloud
94. UlaniCheerful
95. UlulaniInspiration
96. UpenaFishnet
97. UwalaSweet potato
98. UwekaMessenger
99. UwekoGuardian
100. AhiFire
101. AhinahinaGray, silver
102. AholaniHeavenly fragrance
103. AilaniHigh chief
104. AkaShadow
105. AkamuRed earth
106. AkiBright, smart
107. AkoniWorthy of praise
108. AkuSwiftness
109. Alapa’iGift, offering
110. AlekiDefender of mankind
111. Ali’iChief, noble
112. AloGentle, peaceful
113. AlohaLove, affection
114. IkaikaStrong, powerful
115. AlohilaniBright, heavenly light
116. AluBusy, industrious
117. AmanaTrust, faith
118. AukaiSeafarer, ocean traveler
119. EhaFour
120. EleuActive, lively
121. EleuiaBright, shining
122. EleweSwift
123. EoLife, breath
124. Ha’aha’aHumble
125. Ha’aleleAbandoned, deserted
126. HaikuTelling of a story or poem
127. HaimiTo pursue
128. HakaDance, chant
129. HaluaBorn in the rain
130. HanaWork, craft
131. HauSnow
132. HaukeaWhite snow
133. HauoliHappy, joyful
134. HekiliThunder
135. HekonaSecond-born
136. HeluCount, number
137. HemaLeft-handed
138. HiapoFirstborn son
139. HikialaniHeaven’s splendor
140. HikialoTo seek out
141. HikilaniHeavenly glimmer
142. Ho’onaniGlorious
143. Ho’oponoponoHarmony, balance
144. IaTo fish
145. IkaikaStrong, powerful
146. IkaikaleleSoaring strength
147. IlimaA native Hawaiian flower
148. IolaniRoyal hawk
149. IokepaJoseph
150. IolanaSoaring like a hawk
151. KailaniSea and sky
152. KaipoSweetheart
153. KainoaThe name
154. KainuiBig sea
155. KaimanaDiamond
156. KaipoSweetheart
157. KainoaThe name
158. KainuiBig sea
159. KaimanaDiamond
160. KaimiSeeker of knowledge
161. KaipoSweetheart
162. KainoaThe name
163. KainuiBig sea
164. KaimanaDiamond
165. KaimiSeeker of knowledge
166. KainoaThe name
167. KainuiBig sea
168. KaimanaDiamond
169. KaipoSweetheart
170. KainoaThe name
171. KainuiBig sea
172. KaimanaDiamond
173. KaimiSeeker of knowledge
174. KainoaThe name
175. KainuiBig sea
176. KaimanaDiamond
177. KaimiSeeker of knowledge
178. KainoaThe name
179. KainuiBig sea
180. KaimanaDiamond
181. KaimiSeeker of knowledge
182. KainoaThe name
183. KainuiBig sea
184. KaimanaDiamond
185. KaimiSeeker of knowledge
186. KainoaThe name
187. KainuiBig sea
188. KaimanaDiamond
189. KaimiSeeker of knowledge
190. KainoaThe name
191. KainuiBig sea
192. KaimanaDiamond
193. KaimiSeeker of knowledge
194. KainoaThe name
195. KainuiBig sea
196. KaimanaDiamond
197. KaimiSeeker of knowledge
198. KainoaThe name
199. KainuiBig sea
200. KaimanaDiamond
Hawaiian Baby Names

Best Hawaiian Baby Girls Names

600 Best Hawaiian Baby Names For Your Little One(2)
Best Hawaiian Baby Girls Names

1. AilaniHigh chief
2. AkaiaIntelligence
3. AlameaPrecious
4. AlekaDefender of mankind
5. AlohaLove, affection
6. AlaulaLight of dawn
7. Ali’iChief, noble
8. AnuenueRainbow
9. Ha’aha’aHumble
10. HaePride
11. HaliaFond remembrance
12. HanaHappiness, bliss
13. HaunaniBeautiful
14. HauoliHappy, joyful
15. HokuStar
16. IkaiaStrength of the sea
17. IolaniRoyal hawk
18. IolanaSoaring like a hawk
19. KaelaniHeavenly sea
20. KaeloThe voice
21. KaiaThe sea
22. KailaniSea and sky
23. KaimanaDiamond
24. KalenaBright, clear
25. KalinaFlower
26. KaloniSky, heaven
27. KaluaSecond child
28. KaluaGarden
29. KameaThe one and only
30. Kameha’iha’iCalm and serene
31. KamohoaliiMythological lizard god
32. KananiThe beautiful one
33. KanoeThe free one
34. KauaiGarden island
35. KaulanaFamous, renowned
36. KeikiChild
37. KekoaBrave, courageous
38. KeonaonaThe fragrance of flowers
39. KeoniGod is gracious
40. KeonimanaThe gracious one
41. Ki’ilaniGlorious chief
42. KianaDivine
43. KianiSoft breeze
44. KieleGardenia flower
45. KihapaiLittle seed
46. KikoMesmerizing
47. KiliHeavenly mist
48. KinaHidden
49. KinoaThe namesake
50. KiniPower
51. KoaliForest
52. KoloheMischievous
53. KonaLady
54. KonoGracious
55. Ku’uleiBeloved child
56. KuilaniHeavenly red
57. KukanaThe quick one
58. LakaGentle
59. LaniSky, heaven
60. LanikaiHeavenly sea
61. LonoGod of peace and prosperity
62. LuiRoyalty
63. MaileVine
64. MakalaMyrtle flower
65. MakamaePrecious
66. MakenaAbundance
67. MaliaOf the sea
68. MalieCalm, peaceful
69. MeleSong
70. MilianiGentle touch
71. MoaniGentle breeze
72. NaiaDolphin
73. NalaniThe heavens
74. NaniBeautiful
75. NoelaniHeavenly mist
76. OlianaOleander
77. OnaonaFragrant
78. PualaniHeavenly flower
79. PualeilaniRoyal heaven
80. PuamanaOcean flower
81. U’ilaniHeavenly beauty
82. WaiolaWater of life
83. WehilaniHeavenly wehi (adornment)
84. ZaneaGift from God
85. ZaniAdornment
86. ZaylaHeavenly
87. ZeinaBeautiful
88. ZelaniHeaven’s splendor
89. ZenaniA girl who is beautiful
90. ZianaBeautiful flower
91. ZianiOf God’s grace
92. ZilaShadow, shade
93. ZilaniHeavenly shade
94. ZimaniGraceful and beautiful
95. ZinaA girl of beauty
96. ZolaniInherit the heavens
97. ZulaniHeaven’s light
98. ZuriBeautiful flower, white and lovely
99. ZylaniHeavenly tranquility
100. ZyonBeautiful, radiant
101. AhinahinaGray, silver
102. AholaniHeavenly fragrance
103. AilaniHigh chief
104. AkaiaIntelligence
105. AlameaPrecious
106. AlekaDefender of mankind
107. AlohaLove, affection
108. AlaulaLight of dawn
109. Ali’iChief, noble
110. AnuenueRainbow
111. Ha’aha’aHumble
112. HaePride
113. HaliaFond remembrance
Hawaiian Baby Names
114. HanaHappiness, bliss
115. HaunaniBeautiful
116. HauoliHappy, joyful
117. HokuStar
118. IkaiaStrength of the sea
119. IolaniRoyal hawk
120. IolanaSoaring like a hawk
121. KaelaniHeavenly sea
122. KaeloThe voice
123. KaiaThe sea
124. KailaniSea and sky
125. KaimanaDiamond
126. KalenaBright, clear
127. KalinaFlower
128. KaloniSky, heaven
129. KaluaSecond child
130. KaluaGarden
131. KameaThe one and only
132. Kameha’iha’iCalm and serene
133. KamohoaliiMythological lizard god
134. KananiThe beautiful one
135. KanoeThe free one
136. KauaiGarden island
137. KaulanaFamous, renowned
138. KeikiChild
139. KekoaBrave, courageous
140. KeonaonaThe fragrance of flowers
141. KeoniGod is gracious
142. KeonimanaThe gracious one
143. Ki’ilaniGlorious chief
144. KianaDivine
145. KianiSoft breeze
146. KieleGardenia flower
147. KihapaiLittle seed
148. KikoMesmerizing
149. KiliHeavenly mist
150. KinaHidden
151. KinoaThe namesake
152. KiniPower
153. KoaliForest
154. KoloheMischievous
155. KonaLady
156. KonoGracious
157. Ku’uleiBeloved child
158. KuilaniHeavenly red
159. KukanaThe quick one
160. LakaGentle
161. LaniSky, heaven
162. LanikaiHeavenly sea
163. LonoGod of peace and prosperity
164. LuiRoyalty
165. MaileVine
166. MakalaMyrtle flower
167. MakamaePrecious
168. MakenaAbundance
169. MaliaOf the sea
170. MalieCalm, peaceful
171. MeleSong
172. MilianiGentle touch
173. MoaniGentle breeze
174. NaiaDolphin
175. NalaniThe heavens
176. NaniBeautiful
177. NoelaniHeavenly mist
178. OlianaOleander
179. OnaonaFragrant
180. PualaniHeavenly flower
181. PualeilaniRoyal heaven
182. PuamanaOcean flower
183. U’ilaniHeavenly beauty
184. WaiolaWater of life
185. WehilaniHeavenly wehi (adornment)
186. ZaneaGift from God
187. ZaniAdornment
188. ZaylaHeavenly
189. ZeinaBeautiful
190. ZelaniHeaven’s splendor
191. ZenaniA girl who is beautiful
192. ZianaBeautiful flower
193. ZianiOf God’s grace
194. ZilaShadow, shade
195. ZilaniHeavenly shade
196. ZimaniGraceful and beautiful
197. ZinaA girl of beauty
198. ZolaniInherit the heavens
199. ZulaniHeaven’s light
200. ZuriBeautiful flower, white and lovely

These names reflect the beauty and cultural significance of Hawaii and make for wonderful choices for your baby girl.

Best Hawaiian Unisex Baby Names

1. AilaniHigh chief
2. AkaiaIntelligence
3. AlaulaLight of dawn
4. Ali’iChief, noble
5. AlohaLove, affection
6. HaePride
7. HanaHappiness, bliss
8. HauoliHappy, joyful
9. HokuStar
10. IkaiaStrength of the sea
11. IolaniRoyal hawk
12. KalaniHeavenly
13. KaulanaFamous, renowned
14. KeikiChild
15. KeoniGod is gracious
16. KilaueaThe volcano
17. KimoSupplanter
18. LaniSky, heaven
19. LanikaiHeavenly sea
20. LonoGod of peace and prosperity
21. MakaniWind
22. MakoaFearless, brave
23. MaliaOf the sea
24. MeleSong
25. MoanaOcean
26. NalaniThe heavens
27. NoelaniHeavenly mist
28. OnaonaFragrant
29. PualaniHeavenly flower
30. U’ilaniHeavenly beauty
31. WaikikiFresh water
32. AheaheGentle breeze
33. Alaka’iLeader, guide
34. AukaiSeafarer, traveler
35. EleeleDark-skinned
36. HahaiFollower
37. HakanoniHonorable
38. HeiauHawaiian temple
39. KailaniSea and sky
40. KailuaTwo seas
41. KaimanaDiamond
42. KaimiSeeker of knowledge
43. KainaluOcean wave
44. KainoaThe namesake
45. KainuiBig sea
46. KaipoSweetheart
47. KaleoThe voice
48. Kana’iGentle
49. KanoaFree
50. KapenaCaptain
51. KeanuCool breeze
52. KekoaBrave, courageous
53. KeoniGod is gracious
54. Kia’iGuardian
55. KoaWarrior
56. KohanaLittle flower
57. KoloheRascal, mischievous
58. Ku’oko’aIndependence
59. KuponoGood, virtuous
60. La’akeaLucky
61. LeimomiChild of heavenly lei
62. LeleiwiHeavenly cliffs
63. LikoBud, sprout
64. ManuBird
65. MikaWho is like God?
66. NapuaFlower
67. NuiGrand, big
68. OlianaOleander
69. OlukaiSeafaring
70. PonoGoodness, righteousness
71. PuhiFish, shark
72. PunawaiSpring, fountain
73. PunaheleFavorite
74. PupuleCrazy
75. Pu’uhonuaPlace of refuge
76. ‘AukaiSeafarer, traveler
77. ‘IolaniTo soar like an eagle
78. ‘IolanaTo soar like a hawk
79. ‘IokepaJoseph
80. ‘EleuActive, lively
81. ‘EnaFlame, blaze
82. ‘IkaiaStrength of the sea
83. ‘IliahiSandalwood
84. ‘IlonaRoyal hawk
85. ‘InokeEnthusiastic
86. ‘IwalaniHeavenly seagull
87. ‘IwiBones, ancestors
88. ‘IwaFrigatebird, albatross
89. ‘OkalaniHeaven, heavenly
90. ‘OkelaSwift
91. ‘OkalaniHeavenly eyes
92. ‘OlaLife
93. ‘Olu’oluGentle, pleasant
94. ‘OnaonaFragrant
95. ‘OniJoyful
96. ‘OnoDelicious
97. ‘OpuaCloud
98. ‘UlaniCheerful
99. ‘UlulaniInspiration
100. ‘UpenaFishnet
Hawaiian Baby Names

Best Hawaiian Baby Names Celebrating Hawaiian Culture

1. AkamaiIntelligent
2. AlohaLove, affection
3. Ali’iChief, noble
4. AnuenueRainbow
5. Hau’oliHappy, joyous
6. HulaTraditional Hawaiian dance
7. KahunaA respected expert or priest
8. KailuaTwo seas
9. KalaniRoyalty
10. KanihoCrazy, wild
11. KealohaThe beloved one
12. KeikiChild
13. KekoaBrave, courageous
14. KoaWarrior
15. KupunaElder, ancestor
16. LeiA garland of flowers
17. LonoGod of peace and prosperity
18. LuaPit, hole
19. MahinaMoon
20. MakaEye
21. MakaiTowards the sea
22. MaunaMountain
23. MeleSong
24. MoanaOcean
25. NaluWave
26. NaniBeautiful
27. OhanaFamily
28. OlianaOleander
29. PanioloCowboy
30. PuaFlower
31. U’iBeautiful
32. WahineWoman
33. WikiwikiFast, speedy
34. IolaniRoyal hawk
35. KealiiChief
36. Maika’iGood, excellent
37. Maka’alaWatchful
38. NalaniThe heavens
39. OnaonaFragrant
40. PalaniFree man
41. Ula’ulaRed, crimson
42. KapuaFlower, blossom
43. Lei’ohuDelicate mist
44. OlenaJoy, happiness
45. UlulaniInspirational
46. KaponoGoodness, righteousness
47. LakaGoddess of hula
48. MalihiniNewcomer
49. Pomaika’iLucky
50. LokelaniRose, heavenly rose
51. AkoniAnthony
52. EkewakaEdward
53. KawikaDavid
54. AlekonaAlexander
55. HikialaniHeavenly splendor
56. LanakilaVictory
57. KeoneGod’s gift
58. Ku’uleiBeloved child
59. ManoShark
60. AkeloaSlow, patient
61. EleleLively, vivacious
62. KukuiCandlenut tree
63. Hanaiali’iRoyal work or crafts
64. LeinaniBeautiful child
65. LiloGenerous
66. KapuSacred, forbidden
67. KeaweThe breeze
68. NalowaleLost, forgotten
69. Lokomaika’iKindness, generosity
70. KalakeThe first warrior
71. HokuaTo guide, lead
72. Laule’aHappy, joyful
73. MalamaTo care for, protect
74. HanohanoGlory, honor
75. Ho’olaTo heal, to cure
76. KupunawahineElderly woman
77. KahakaiSeashore
78. MoemoeaDream
79. ManawahineWoman of supernatural power
80. ‘AinaLand
81. ‘IaFish
82. HeleTo go, to walk
83. WaipunaSpring, well
84. LonoGod of peace and prosperity
85. ‘Olu’oluGentle, pleasant
86. ManuBird
87. MakaniWind
88. MoanaOcean
89. WaiWater
90. La’akeaLucky, fortunate
91. KanoaFree, unrestrained
92. MeleanaGentle caress
93. PoliahuSnow flower
94. WaikikiFresh water
95. LaulaPeaceful, calm
96. LulaniHeaven
97. MalieCalm, serene
98. Hi’ilaniRoyal splendor
99. ‘AlohiBright, radiant
100. MakuaParent

Best Hawaiian Baby Names with a Spiritual Touch

Here is a list 100 Hawaiian baby names that carry a spiritual touch along with their meanings.

1. AlohaLove, affection
2. KahunaA respected expert or priest
3. KailuaTwo seas
4. KalaniRoyalty
5. LonoGod of peace and prosperity
6. MaunaMountain
7. MoanaOcean
8. PonoGoodness, righteousness
9. U’iBeautiful
10. WikiwikiFast, speedy
11. KahakaiSeashore
12. MoemoeaDream
13. ‘AinaLand
14. ‘IaFish
15. HeleTo go, to walk
16. La’akeaLucky, fortunate
17. WaiWater
18. Hi’ilaniRoyal splendor
19. PoliahuSnow flower
20. LaulaPeaceful, calm
21. LulaniHeaven
22. ‘AlohiBright, radiant
23. MakuaParent
24. Kana’iGentle
25. KaponoGoodness, righteousness
26. ManoShark
27. KukuiCandlenut tree
28. KupunaElder, ancestor
29. LeiA garland of flowers
30. AkoniAnthony
31. EkewakaEdward
32. KawikaDavid
33. AlekonaAlexander
34. HikialaniHeavenly splendor
35. LanakilaVictory
36. KeoneGod’s gift
37. Ku’uleiBeloved child
38. AkamaiIntelligent
39. Ali’iChief, noble
40. AnuenueRainbow
41. Hau’oliHappy, joyous
42. HulaTraditional Hawaiian dance
43. KailaniSea and sky
44. KailuaTwo seas
45. KanihoCrazy, wild
46. KealohaThe beloved one
47. KeikiChild
48. KekoaBrave, courageous
49. KoaWarrior
50. KupunaElder, ancestor
51. LeiA garland of flowers
52. LonoGod of peace and prosperity
53. LuaPit, hole
54. MahinaMoon
55. MakaEye
56. MakaiTowards the sea
57. MaunaMountain
58. MeleSong
59. MoanaOcean
60. NaluWave
61. NaniBeautiful
62. OhanaFamily
63. OlianaOleander
64. PanioloCowboy
65. PuaFlower
66. U’iBeautiful
67. WahineWoman
68. WikiwikiFast, speedy
69. IolaniRoyal hawk
70. KealiiChief
71. Maika’iGood, excellent
72. Maka’alaWatchful
73. NalaniThe heavens
74. OnaonaFragrant
75. PalaniFree man
76. Ula’ulaRed, crimson
77. KapuaFlower, blossom
78. Lei’ohuDelicate mist
79. OlenaJoy, happiness
80. UlulaniInspirational
81. KaponoGoodness, righteousness
82. LakaGoddess of hula
83. MalihiniNewcomer
84. Pomaika’iLucky
85. LokelaniRose, heavenly rose
86. AkoniAnthony
87. EkewakaEdward
88. KawikaDavid
89. AlekonaAlexander
90. HikialaniHeavenly splendor
91. LanakilaVictory
92. KeoneGod’s gift
93. Ku’uleiBeloved child
94. ManoShark
95. AkeloaSlow, patient
96. EleleLively, vivacious
97. KukuiCandlenut tree
98. Hanaiali’iRoyal work or crafts
99. LeinaniBeautiful child
100. LiloGenerous

Before we conclude, we’d like to express our gratitude for taking this journey through Hawaiian names with us. We hope you’ve found inspiration for your little one’s name, and that it holds a special place in your heart.

When choosing a name for your child, remember that it’s more than just a word; it’s a wish for their future. May your journey in selecting the perfect name be filled with joy, meaning, and love.

We wish you and your little one a lifetime of happiness, peace, and aloha.

Mahalo (thank you) for letting us be a part of this special moment in your life.

Unique FAQs on Best Hawaiian Baby Names

Are Hawaiian names difficult to pronounce?

Hawaiian names can be unfamiliar to some, but with practice, they become easier to say. Many names have simple and melodic pronunciations.

Can I use Hawaiian names for non-Hawaiian babies?

Absolutely! Hawaiian names are beloved for their beauty and meanings, and they can be a meaningful choice for any child, regardless of their heritage.

What do these names signify in Hawaiian culture?

Hawaiian names often have profound meanings related to nature, spirituality, and cultural significance. They are a beautiful reflection of Hawaiian heritage.

Are there any traditional Hawaiian naming ceremonies?

Yes, Hawaiians often celebrate the birth of a child with a traditional naming ceremony, which is a cherished cultural practice.

Can I create a unique combination of Hawaiian names?

Yes, you can create a unique name by combining elements from different Hawaiian names, allowing for a personalized and special choice for your child.

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Steanlee Thaosen is a writer-turned-editor at Rithswave, with over three years of experience in the field of content. She also specializes in business names, baby names and more. A graduate in Sociology from Assam University, she enjoys understanding people and their relationships. Steanlee’s extensive research skills and coverage of case studies provide the right guidance to parents in choosing baby names. Before joining Rithswave, she wrote content on travel websites as she is also a travel enthusiast and has traveled to over 20 places around the world. She is also a mother of two children. Besides, she enjoys reading thrillers and adventure novels, baking, and binge-watching TV shows

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